Category Archives: Mission Reports

Summer of 2016 Missions

The summer of 2016 was just another blissful season of missions and outreaches for us – both in our country of Bulgaria as well as in the neighboring country of Turkey.
In May we had an amazing 2-day outreach in the Gypsy neighborhood in Kazanlak – great time of flowing in passionate worship and in the depths of God’s Word. We loved sharing the Gospel and doing special teaching sessions for pastors and leaders, encouraging them to abide in the Lord and His grace. Then in June we visited Kazanlak again as part of the Global Celebration team during their annual Gypsy Love Feast – a powerful time of celebration, loving the poor, feeding the hungry, and pouring out the love of God upon these precious people.
We made two trips to Turkey and had the privilege to minister in several churches and meet with our missionary friends there. We believe the Lord has an amazing plan for this country and we lift it up in prayer that there will be an open door for the Gospel so that the light of salvation will shine afresh in this Muslim country.
It was also a great joy and honor for us to be invited to minister at several conferences organized by different churches in Bulgaria. It is always a blessing to be able to minister with the gift of God upon our lives and pour out the revelation of Christ and His finished work with the Body of Christ.
We thank Jesus for blessing us with such an amazing season of joy and fruitfulness!

Winter of 2014 Love Outreach to the Orphans

With hearts full of compassion and mercy we were able to send fresh love portions for the kids living in the orphanage for disabled children near our home town of Dobrich, Bulgaria. It deeply warms our hearts to reach out to these precious ones and be instruments (carriers) of the love and tender care of the heavenly Father for them! The first portion of supplies was delivered for Christmas and the second one – in March.  It has been for 10 years already that we’ve been regularly visiting and supporting this orphanage, bringing lots of food and other basic supplies together with lots of hugs and joy in this place of sorrow.
We’d like to thank all our friends who have been helping and supporting our orphanage ministry through the years!  We believe that these gifts of love are a true blessing for these precious children, making a difference in their lives.

Summer of 2013 Missions

The summer of 2013 was an incredibly blessed season for us. We had the joy and pleasure of being invited to minister at several conferences in Bulgaria and in every place the Spirit of God was moving powerfully in the meetings, bringing a fresh wave of revival. We were greatly excited to see so many hungry and thirsty souls and share precious and powerful revelations with them about the finished work of Christ and His amazing love and grace which He has poured out beyond measure upon His Church. We also visited again the Gypsy neighborhood in Kazanlak and loved ministering to our precious Gypsy friends – proclaiming the Good News to the poor, praying for the sick and rejoicing together in Christ’s victory! Many were saved, healed and uplifted in His Presence! We truly believe that the Holy Spirit is moving strongly in Bulgaria upon the Body of Christ, so that we may all “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.”

We also had the wonderful opportunity to make two mission trips to Turkey this summer – in a land so rich in early Christian history. God has long put this Muslim country on our hearts and we feel so privileged to be able to make regular trips there and join other missionary ministries in prayer, worship and ministry in order to see a breakthrough for the Gospel. During our second trip in August, which we prophetically called “Re-digging the Ancient Wells,” we were blessed to have a team of American friends join us. Together we set our foot on that ground, praying and worshipping God in every place, declaring that the wells of salvation will burst up again and flood all of Turkey with the glory of God!

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